Pato Banton Pato Banton - Rwanda

Rwanda, Rwanda, Rwanda.
Hey, tell me why, tell me why?
Rwanda, Rwanda, Rwanda.
Tell me why, tell me why?

Who gave you the guns? Who gave you the bombs?
Who gave you devices of destruction?
Jah Jah gave us the moon, the sun, oh yeah! and all the land
so why you wanna hurt and kill your brother man?
Tell me why.

Roots! I am the English-Jamaican-African
who goes by the name of Pato Banton
yeah once again well here I come
like a Lion in the jungle proud and strong.
So listen to me keenly and understand
Mama Africa is a beautiful land
the birthplace of every nation
the mother of the whole civilization.
That's why I can not understand
all the suffering and the contention
when will we learn how to live as one
underneath Jah Jah moon and sun.
Rwanda! I have a question: Why the tribal segregation?
Rwanda! Where do the guns come from? And the ammunition?
Rwanda! I bet is not an African probably some European.
Rwanda! So many people a die. Why? Because of rumors and lies.
Rwanda! What about the children's cries?
Who will wipe the tears from their eyes?
Rwanda! Somebody tell me why, won't somebody tell me?

East, West, North and South Africa!
The time has come to shake loose the chains that bind us
and break down the barriers of prejudice that divide us.
The gates of freedom are open wide
the time has come for us to step inside.
Let's move away of acts of genocide
and all forms of racial suicide.